The annual St. John Nepomuk Parish Festival is held on the school grounds located at 1923 Green Street, in Racine, WI. It typically runs Friday through Sunday on the first or second weedend in June.
To celebrate our Czech heritage, the annual festival has been named "Bohemian Fest" and provides visitors with the opportunity to taste a variety of ethnic foods as well as the good old American stand-by's. Authentic Czech items can also be purchased.
The festival is well attended by current parish members and students along with many alumni from years past. It's a great place to bump into old classmates as well as those who may have graduated in the previous or subsequent year.
At the 2006 parish festival, the SJN graduating class of 1976 attended the festivities on Friday night as part of their 30-year reunion weekend celebration.
Live bands provide great entertainment on Friday and Saturday nights. If you are in or around town during our annual festival, please stop by for a visit. In addition to the great hospitality, food and entertainment, it may bring back some of those fond memories.